How Hong Kong’s universities are helping graduates advance a career in education

How Hong Kong’s universities are helping graduates advance a career in education

In Hong Kong, the landscape of education is rapidly evolving, requiring teachers and support staff to continuously improve their expertise. Not only do Master and Doctor of Education courses equip educators with contemporary pedagogical theories and research methodologies, ensuring they remain innovative in their teaching approaches, these courses also foster a culture of lifelong learning, inspiring educators to become role models for their students.

Of course, these courses also provide valuable networking opportunities, allowing professionals to collaborate with peers and share best practices, leading to a more robust educational community.

One such qualification is the Doctor of Education (EdD) programme at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), designed for seasoned educators and professionals eager to deepen their expertise in a specific area of education. This programme offers a blend of core courses that enrich understanding across various educational contexts. The specialised areas include everything from language (English and Chinese), creative arts and mathematics to health studies, and life and values education.

EdUHK’s programme is designed for veteran educators and professionals eager to expand their expertise. Photo: EdUHK
EdUHK’s programme is designed for veteran educators and professionals eager to expand their expertise. Photo: EdUHK

Upon graduation, students will have achieved various objectives. They will possess expert knowledge and skills within their specialised area while also grasping broader educational implications. They will also be able to create effective theoretical frameworks to propose innovative solutions to educational challenges.

EdUHK 2019 alumni Dr Suprihatin, a teaching educator at State University of Jakarta, researches teachers’ competencies, with a special focus on children with special education needs (SEN). “The Doctor of Education programme helped me to become a better researcher and educator,” says Suprihatin. “It improved my research capabilities, academic writing and teaching skills.”

The Indonesian educator also learned the importance of keeping learning interesting. “Working with Hong Kong academics has taught me to have more fun in an educational environment,” she says. “I like teaching pre-service teachers because I can influence them to be better teachers for SEN children, whether working in a special or inclusive school.”

The EdD programme at EdUHK also allows learners to gain insights into current research trends in their field, enabling them to contribute valuable perspectives to educational literature. It highlights critical analysis, encouraging graduates to assess educational policies, processes and practices from multiple viewpoints.


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